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Anna Knight Letter to Oakwood College 1970


Oakwood College

Huntsville, AL

December 17, 1970

Dear Co-Workers, Greetings;

This letter is unavoidably late, but it is the best that can be done.

My wish for you is a "Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year," though this greeting may be late reaching you.

As I look back over our work during the past 48 years, I am grateful to the Lord for teh way He has led and blessed us.

On August 13, 1922, the summer school teaches in attendance then were organized into an association known as the National Colored Teachers of the Seventh day Adventists. The purpose was to help the school, then Oakwood Junior College, get a better water system. At that time the school had only one well, and, believe it or not, water was rationed. A city school teacher of Savannah, Ga, Mrs. R.A. Miller by name, was visiting our summer school with one of our church school teachers, Mrs. Margaret (Swedenburg). The latter was wo impressed with the school that she felt, that as a group of Seventh-day Adventist teachers, 35 in attendance, then, should organize, solicit funds and have and adequate reservoir installed that the school might have adequate water supply.

Plans were put into actions at once. Elder Byrd, a Bible teacher and manager of the print shop printed our By-Laws and Constitution, free of charge, for we had no funds then with which to operate.

Professor J.L. Tucker was then president of Oakwood. He and Elder C.B. Stevenson, secretary of the Colored Department of the General Conference made a plea to the General Conference for funds with which to install the water system....

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